Partner (GmbH), Sociologist and Political Scientist

phone +49 6571 – 9999-897
+49 157 – 3959 3680
since 2013 Partner at iSPO (Institute for Social Research, Consultancy and Organisational Development) Saarbrücken
2008 – 2013 Freelance development consultant
2005 – 2007 Programme Officer for the evaluation of capacity development at the University of Costa Rica (Centre for Research and Training in Public Administration) as Integrated Expert, co-financed by CIM (Centre for International Migration and Development)
2001 – 2005 Senior Evaluator at CEval (Center for Evaluation) at Saarland University
1999 – 2000 Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology (Chair Prof. Dr. Reinhard Stockmann) of the Saarland University

Key Activities

Design and implementation of results-oriented monitoring systems; impact evaluations; evaluation of capacity development; strategic planning; organisational development

Experience in the following sectors (among others): international development co-operation; basic/vocational/tertiary education; health (health system development, HIV/Aids combat and prevention, reproductive health and reproductive rights); environmental communication; household water and wastewater management; waste management.

Current Projects

  • Support to the writing of a project offer for a follow-on module of the global TC-measure “BACKUP Health – Support for partners in their work with the Global Fund.” (Since 2019)
  • Final Project Evaluation of the TC-measure “Africa Regional – ESTHER Alliance: University and Hospital Partnerships in the Health Systems Strengthening Sector.” (Since 2019)
  • Final Project Evaluation of the TC-measure “Adapting urban water resources management to climate change with private sector participation” of the German Development Cooperation with Peru. Lead executing agency: National Water Authority. (Since 2019)
  • Appraisal mission and formulation of a project offer to the BMZ for the follow-on measures of the TC module: “Support to Social Protection including Social Health Protection” in Pakistan. Lead executing agency: Economic Affairs Division (EAD) of the Ministry of Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs of Pakistan. (Since 2019)
  • Regular project appraisals and offers for technical co-operation projects, primarily for GIZ. (German Agency for International Cooperation GmbH)

Selected Completed Projects

  • Final Project Evaluation of the TC-measure “Improving Maternal and Newborn Care”.Lead executing agency: Ministry of Health of the Royal Government of Cambodia (MoH) ( 2018 – 2019)
  • Advisory services and capacity development for the consolidation of the results-oriented monitoring of the “Central Asia Drug Action Programme” (CADAP) of the European Union. (Different executing agencies in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan) (2018 – 2019)
  • Final Project Evaluation of the TC-measure “Indigenous Practices for the Conservation of Biodiversity” of the German Development Cooperation with the Philippines. Lead executing agency: National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) (2018-2019)
  • Advisory services for the implementation of results based monitoring system for the German contribution to the EU programme “EUROCLIMA+” (supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation in Latin America) (2018)
  • Revision of Quality-in-line documents for the German-Cambodian Social Health Protection Project and writing of a concept paper for Local Governance in Health. Lead executing agency: Ministry of Health of the Royal Government of Cambodia (MoH)) (2019)
  • Final evaluation of the a project of the German Development Cooperation in Cambodia: “Social Health Protection” ( 2017-2018)
  • Final evaluation of a regional programme of the German Development Cooperation in South America: “Regional Amazon Program” 2017)
  • Results-oriented monitoring consultancy for the Central Asia Drug Action Programme (March/April 2017)
  • Results-oriented monitoring consultancy for the Cooperation Platform for Northern Latin America (COPLAN) aimed at promoting the transfer of innovative climate and environmentally friendly technologies to Central America and Mexico ( 2016-2018)
  • Final evaluation of a regional programme of the German Development Cooperation in Central America: “Tropical forest protection and watershed management in the Trifinio region” (2017)
  • Final evaluation of the regional health support programme ‘Addressing Bangladesh’s Demographic Challenges’ implemented by GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation GmbH) in Bangladesh (2017)
  • Implementation of a results-oriented M&E system for Engagement Global gGmbH (2014-2017)
  • Final evaluation of the sectoral project ‘Adaptation to Climate Change in the Health Sector’ implemented by GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation GmbH) (2017)
  • Rigorous Impact Evaluation of German development projects in the area of sustainable resources management in Central America (Nicaragua and Honduras) (2013- 2015)
  • Modular Train the Trainer course for impact evaluation training programmes in Central America as part of the regional support programme ‘FOCEVAL (Fomento de Capacidades en Evaluación / Evaluation Capacity Development in Central America)’, in collaboration with CEval – Center for Evaluation (2012)
  • Implementation of a system for the monitoring of corporate responsibility (CSR) in the value chain of the Brazilian steel manufacturer Gerdau, S.A. (2011- 2012)
  • Consultant to the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy of Costa Rica: implementation of concepts, instruments and assistance for strategic evaluations in the public sector of Costa Rica (2011-2012)
  • Cross-sectional evaluation of projects in environmental communication in the German skilled crafts sector (approx. 30 individual projects such as ‘Evaluation of the Environment Centres of the German Skilled Crafts Sector’, commissioned by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German Federal Environmental Federation) (2003-2004)
  • Cross-sectional evaluation of projects on the implementation of environmental consultancy and environmental communication in German associations, funded by the Umweltbundesamt (German Federal Environment Agency) (approx. 35 individual projects, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for the Environment) (2001-2002)