Student B. Sc. Psychology

phone +49 681 98 50 16 7
since 2023
Scientific assistant at the Institute for Social research, Consultancy and Organisational development (iSPO), Saarbrücken
2020-2023 B.Sc. Psychology at Saarland University
2019-2023 Tutor at Schülerhilfe GmbH

Key acitvities

Collaboration in ongoing iSPO projects; research, data collection, processing and evaluation as well as contributions to reports and results papers

Current projects

  • Collaboration on the “Desktop research for materials and collections of materials on the quality criteria for good cooperative democracy education”, commissioned by: Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung GmbH.
  • Collaboration in the evaluation of the 2nd implementation phase of the project “LeseOasen – Leseförderung im Ganztag”; client: Save the childen e.V.
  • Collaboration in the “Desktop research in the funding programme AUF!leben – Zukunft ist jetzt.”; Client: Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung GmbH
  • Participation in the evaluation of the project “Let’s talk about Sex – reloaded. Promotion of sexual and psychosocial health”; commissioned by: Deutsche Aidshilfe (German AIDS Aid)
  • Collaboration on the project “Knowledge-based overview of early help services”; commissioned by: National Centre for Early Help (NZFH)