Our approach is pragmatic

Together with you we develop strategies that will help you to expand your range of services and your co-operation with business partners as well as your internal and external communication. We do this by giving due consideration to the economic foundation of your organisation and its strategic outlook. We are realists, not technocrats; we design visions, not utopias.

Our approach is process oriented

We consider the long-term goals you wish to achieve as well as your medium-term objectives. We ensure that everyone involved in implementing complex change processes understands their purpose of making continuing improvements towards a common goal.

Our approach is solution oriented

Our expertise and guidance will allow you to see your organisation with fresh eyes. We help you to critique existing structures, to plan ahead, and to solve problems in a more focused manner. We offer expert advice and, if necessary, crisis intervention. Our guidance will equip you with the tools you need to realise and exceed your personal, professional and organisational potential.

iSPO is an institutional member of DeGEval

Mitglied DeGEval


Erik SchäfferErik Schäffer
Managing Director,
Education Researcher, M.A.

Christina HeßChristina Heß
Master of Evaluation,
Computer Science, B.Sc.

Sarah Krewer Sarah Krewer
B.A. Integrative Social Sciences

Leonie SchneiderLeonie Schneider
B.A. Sociology

Anna Patzke Salgado
Diploma in Sociology,
Master of Evaluation

Katharina Gies
B.Sc. Psychology, Studentin M.Sc. Psychology

Svea Fuchs
B.Sc. Psychology / Student M.Sc. Psychology

Irini Block
M.A. Sociology, B.A. Sociology and Political Science

Klaus Peter JacobyKlaus-Peter Jacoby
Sociologist and Political Scientist, M.A.

Tobias SchumannTobias Schumann
M.A. Media Studies, Sociology und Philosophy / Student Master of Evaluation

Julia PietrasikJulia Pietrasik
M.A. Sociology,
Master of Evaluation

Lisa PatzerLisa Patzer
B.A. International Cultural and Business Studies

Jelena SchmidtJelena Schmidt
B.Sc. Health Sciences / Student M.A. Health Care Delivery, Management and Economics

Isabella Bauer
Diploma in Social Pedagogy,
Master in Peace Studies and Security Policy

Till Kempf
Student B. Sc. Psychology